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Proofreading IFC Translations

1. Introduction

Everyone can help translate IFC terms and definitions. All suggested translations need to be proofread before they are published. Proofreading is organised by the chapters.  

This article is to guide the proofreader. You can become a proofreader by contacting your local chapter.

Based on the level of experience you can use this manual to easily get started or to explore the advanced functionalities and get the full benefit of the platform.

2. Proofreading process

This article describes the shortest routes to the Editor. In other articles you can learn more about more advanced functionalities.

  1. When logged in → click on the IFC project. You are redirected to the Project page. This page presents an overview off all the languages that need translations and/or proofreading.
  2. For proofreading you have to be in console mode. You can switch mode by clicking on the button Go to console. When you switch to console mode, you have to select the IFC project again to enter the project page. The project page looks similar but has more functionalities.

  3. Click on the arrow at the end of the language row. The language row will fold out and show a Proofreading tile with information about active issues/tasks, members and words todo for that specific language.

    If you are added to the Translation team a second tile will show with ‘Crowdsourcing’.
  4. Click on the Proofreading tile → you are redirected to the Editor and all not approved strings of that specific language will show. You can start to Proofread.

  5. Click on a language → you are redirected to the Language Page.
  6. On the Language page you can select a specific file by clicking on the Proofread button and select Proofreading in the drop down menu → you are redirected to the Editor and all not approved strings of that specific file will show. You can start to Proofread.

3. Projectpage

This chapter describes the functionalities on the projectpage for proofreaders.

Make sure that the projectpage is in console mode when you start to proofread. Below a screenshot of how the projectpage looks in console mode.

  1. In the top navigation bar you can:

    Easily navigate back in one click.
    Go to console: switch interface. Proofreaders need to be in the console mode.
    Search in groups, projects or source strings.
    • View your notifications
    Chat with other users
    • Go to your account settings where you can create a profile, add rates, change your security- and notification settings or access your tokens

  2. The black left side bar only shows in console mode has the following items:

    Switch to another project.
    Project home: shortcut to the Project Page.
    Dropdown with Translations related Tasks, Activity and reports.
  3. An overview of all the active issues and tasks.
  4. The project page has 2 tabs:

    Home: this tab presents an overview of the languages that need translations or proofreading.

    Details: here you can see the managers responsible for the translations. You can contact them by clicking on the green contact link below their profile picture/ icon.
  5. When you click on a language it will fold out and show a Proofreading tile with information about active issues/tasks, members and words todo for that specific language. If you click on this tile you are redirected to the Editor.

    • If you are added to the Translation team as well a second tile will show ‘Crowdsourcing’.
  6. With the button DOWNLOAD TRANSLATIONS you can download all the translations of that language in a zip file for offline proofreading.
  7. The status bar shows the percentage of completed translations for a specific language. Completed means translated and approved. The colour blue represents the status of the translations and green the status of the approved translations. If you hover over the status bar a popup will show.

4. The language page

Make sure that the language page is in console mode when you start to proofread. Below a screenshot of how the language page looks in console mode.

  1. The Language page presents an overview of alle the files of a specific language that need proofreading and/or translations.
  1. The DOWNLOAD button is for translators only. You can download all the translations of that specific language in a zip file for offline translations. If you want to proofread offline you can make use of the download button as described in the previous paragraph.

  2. The language page has 1 tab ‘Files’. This tab presents an overview of alle the files of a specific language that need proofreading and/or translations.

    Search for a specific file.
    • Next to each file there an red arrow icon that shows the level of priority the file has.
    • The status bar shows the percentage of completed and approved translations for a specific file.
    • By clicking on the 3-dots icon next to the status bar you have the option to:
  • Crowdsourcing → you are redirected to the online editor and can start to translate.
    This item only shows when you are added to the translation team as well.
  • Proofreading → you are redirected to the online editor and can start to proofread.
  • Preview a single file in .pot format
  • Download a single file → Read more about Offline proofreading.
  • Export as XLIFF → Read more about Offline proofreading.
  • Upload translations to a single file → Read more about Offline proofreading.

4. The ALL STRINGS button folds out after a click. If you select Proofreading all the strings of all the files will open in the Editor.

5. Online editor for proofreaders

The editor for proof-readers consist out of 3 sections:

  1. Top navigation bar
  2. Main area
  3. Right side-bar

To start to proofread you need to select a string from the main area (2).

Approve the translation by clicking on the check icon or don’t approve by:

  • Correct and approve the translation
    Enter another translation yourself, from the TM and MT suggestions or Other Languages in the right side-bar (3).
  • Delete the suggested translation in the right side-bar (3).
  • Don’t change the translation and leave a comment in the comments section in the right side-bar (3) for the translator to change translation.
Updated on July 29, 2022

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