1. Introduction
Welcome to the buildingSMART IFC translations manual. The translation service is a custom tool from Crowdin; a localization management platform for translating software.
You, as a translator, can help translate IFC terms and definitions using the Translation service. In this document, you will find information on how to make your contribution to the IFC Translations.
Based on the level of experience you can use this manual to easily start to translate or to explore the advanced functionalities and get the full benefit of the platform.
2. Translation process
Everyone can help translate IFC. You only need a buildingSMART Services account to login and start helping. Crowdsources translations are being proofread by the buildingSMART Chapters before being approved and published.
This article describes the shortest routes to the Translation Editor.
1. When logged in → click on the IFC project. You are redirected to the Project page. This page presents an overview page off all the languages that need translations or proofreading.
2. Hover over the language you want to translate → 2 buttons will show TRANSLATE & VIEW FILES.
Select TRANSLATE → you are redirected to the Editor and can start to translate all the strings of all the files.
Select VIEW FILES → you are redirected to the Language page where you can select the file you want to translate by clicking on the specific file.
3. Projectpage
Make sure that the projectpage is in public mode when you start to translate. Below a screenshot of how the projectpage looks in public mode.
- In the top navigation bar you can:
• Easily navigate back in one click.
• Go to console: switch to console or public mode. When you switch to console mode, more functionalities will show as described in this article.
• Search in groups, projects or source strings.
• View your notifications
• Chat with other users
• Go to your account settings where you can create a profile, add rates, change your security- and notification settings or access your tokens. - The project page has 2 tabs:
• Translations: this tab presents an overview of the languages that need translations.
• Managers: here you can see the managers responsible for the translations. You can contact them by clicking on the green contact link below their profile picture/ icon. - The status bar shows the percentage of completed translations for a specific language. Completed means translated and approved. The colour blue represents the status of the translations and green the status of the approved translations. If you hover over the status bar a popup will show.
- Next to percentages you can see the amount of words that still need to be translated and the volunteers for a specific language.
4. The language page
Make sure that the language page is in public mode when you start to translate. Below a screenshot of how the language looks in public mode.
- On the Language page there is again the option to translate all the strings of all the files by clicking on the black button TRANSLATE ALL. Or you can click on a specific file. Both ways you are redirected to the editor and can start to translate.
- The Language page has 2 tabs:
• Files: this tab presents an overview of the available files for translations
• Managers: here you can see the managers responsible for the translations. You can contact them by clicking on the green contact link below their profile picture/ icon.
On the files tab you can:
1. Search for a specific file.
2. Next to each file there is an orange arrow icon that shows the level of priority the file has.
3. The status bar shows the percentage of completed translations for a specific file.
- Export the master file as XLIFF → Go to chapter 6 for more information about Offline translations.
- Upload XLIFF translations to the master file → Go to chapter 6 for more information about Upload translations.
- Preview a single file
- Download a single file → Go to chapter 6 for more information about Offline translations.
- Export a single file as XLIFF → Go to chapter 6 for more information about Offline translations.
- Upload translations to a single file → Go to chapter 6 for more information about Upload translations.
5. Online editor
The editor consist out of five sections:
To add a translation you need to select a string from the left side bar (2), and it will show in the field Source String in the middle-top area (3). You can enter your translation in the input field below the Source String which is marked with the text ‘Enter translation here’