A zone is a group of spaces, partial spaces or other zones.
A Revit room can be associated to multiple zones by adding extra shared paramaters. For IfcZone add the shared parameters to Rooms:
ZoneName, ZoneObjectType, ZoneDescription, ZoneLongName
Also ZoneName 2, ZoneName 3 etc. can be used
Please be aware:
1. Do not use “ZoneName 1” since “ZoneName” should be used for the first zone.
2. Revit will export the Zones is order, and will stop looking for zone associations when it doesn’t find a next number.
So if a room contains “ZoneName”, “ZoneName 2”, and “ZoneName 5”, the last one will be skipped as there is no “ZoneName 3” and “ZoneName 4” used.
IFC4 CHANGE: The entity IfcZone is now subtyped from IfcSystem (not its supertype IfcGroup) with upward compatibility for file based exchange.