1. Offline proofreading
You can download each file separately (in original or XLIFF format), download filtered strings (in XLIFF format), or download all files for a specific language (in original or XLIFF format). This can be done via the Editor or the language page.
In case you are using any CAT tools (Computer-Assisted Translation), it is more convenient to have the file in XLIFF format.
1.1. Download a single file via the Editor
To download a single file to translate offline, follow these steps:
- Open the necessary file in the Editor.
- Click on the menu in the top left corner.
- In the File menu, select Download or Export in XLIFF.
1.2. Download a Single File via Language Page
- Open your project and select a language.
- Click on the 3-dots icon next to the percentage of the status bar of a specific file.
- Select Download or Export in XLIFF.
1.3. Download All Files for a Specific Language
To download all the project files for a specific language, follow these steps:
1. Go to the language page and make sure you have the console interface. Otherwise click on the Go to console button in the top right corner.
2. Your Workspace will show with the projects you are working on. (screenshot below)
3. Click on VIEW PROJECT →
4. You are redirected to the Project page with an overview of all the languages that need translations.
5. Click on the language you want translate → you are redirected the Language page
On the Language page there are 2 ways to download all the files:
- Click on DOWNLOAD button. All files and strings will be downloaded in a zip format.
- Click on the 3-dots icon next to the percentage of the status bar of a specific file. Select Download or Export as XLIFF.
Using the Download option, you will get a ZIP archive with all the project files containing translations in an original format. The Download option is useful in case you want to test the product’s localized version.
Using Export in XLIFF, you will get all the source strings and completed translations in a single XLIFF file. This way is more convenient, as it doesn’t require opening each file separately to translate. XLIFF files are supported by the majority of desktop localization tools.
1.4. Download Filtered Strings in XLIFF
There are cases when it’s necessary to download strings based on some specific criteria. For example, you might want to download strings translated by some specific project member, or only untranslated strings, or only strings with comments.
To download filtered strings, follow these steps:
- Open the necessary file in the Editor
- Filter strings based on some specific criteria.
- Click on the focus menu in the top left corner.
- Go to File and select Export Filtered in XLIFF
2. Offline translations
You can download each file separately (in original or XLIFF format), download filtered strings (in XLIFF format), or download all files for a specific language (in original or XLIFF format). This can be done via the Editor or the language page.
In case you are using any CAT tools (Computer-Assisted Translation), it is more convenient to have the file in XLIFF format.
2.1. Download a Single File via Editor
To download a single file to translate offline, follow these steps:
1. Open the necessary file in the Editor.
2. Click on the menu in the top left corner.
3. Select Download or Export in XLIFF in the file menu
2.3. Download a Single File via Language Page
- Open your project and select a language.
- Click on the 3-dots icon next to the percentage of the status bar of a specific file.
- Select Download or Export in XLIFF.
2.4. Download All Files for a Specific Language
To download all the project files for a specific language, follow these steps:
- Go to the language page and click on the Go to console button in the right top corner.
- Your Workspace will show with the projects you are working on. (screenshot below)
- Click on VIEW PROJECT → You are redirected to the Project page with an overview of all the languages that need translations.
- Click on the language you want translate → you are redirected the Language page
On the Language page there are 2 ways to download all the files:
1. Click on DOWNLOAD button. All files and strings will be downloaded in a zip format.
2. Click on the 3-dots icon next to the percentage of the status bar of a specific file. Select Download or Export as XLIFF.
Using the Download option, you will get a ZIP archive with all the project files containing translations in an original format. The Download option is useful in case you want to test the product’s localized version.
Using Export in XLIFF, you will get all the source strings and completed translations in a single XLIFF file. This way is more convenient, as it doesn’t require opening each file separately to translate. XLIFF files are supported by the majority of desktop localization tools.
2.5. Download filtered strings in XLIFF
There are cases when it’s necessary to download strings based on some specific criteria. For example, you might want to download strings translated by some specific project member, or only untranslated strings, or only strings with comments. To download filtered strings, follow these steps:
- Open the necessary file in the Editor.
- Filter strings based on some specific criteria.
- Click on the focus menu in the top left corner.
- Go to File and select Export Filtered in XLIFF
3. Upload translations
You can upload your translations on the language page and in the editor.
3.1. Upload on the language page
- Click on the 3 dots-icon at the top of the page and select Upload translations.
- Click on the 3 dots-icon of the master file and select Upload XLIFF translations.
- Click on the 3 dots-icon of a specific file and select Upload translations.
! If you upload a translation as a proof-reader you need to select the Approve added translations checkbox so that the changes made by you will be marked as approved.
3.2. Upload in the editor
Go to the menu in the left top corner and select Upload Translations.
Supported extensions are: .po /.pot / .xlif / .xliff
4. View mode
In the right top corner there is a button to switch between the Public page or Console mode
4.1. Project page in different view mode
When you switch to Go to console more functionalities will show. Below an example of the Project Page.
- A black left side bar will show with the option to
– Switch to another project.
– Project home: shortcut to the Project Page.
– Dropdown with Translations related Tasks, Activity and reports. - An overview of all the active issues and tasks.
- Instead of a managers tab a details tab with contact info of the managers.
- When you click on a language it will fold out and show a Crowdsourcing tile with information about active issues/tasks, members and words todo for that specific language. When you hover over this tile you will be redirected to the Editor.
- This icon shows if there are any quality assurance issues.
- If you are added to the Proofreading team a second tile will show ‘Proofreading’ and the button DOWNLOAD TRANSLATIONS will be clickable.